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Education and skills

TUAC engages with the OECD’s work on both initial education and on adult learning, participating in the meetings of the OECD’s Skills Advisory Group, Education Policy Committee, the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Governing Board, and their respective working parties.

Key priorities include advocating for greater OECD recognition and discussion of policy measures to facilitate and improve access to lifelong learning opportunities and strengthening the OECD’s calls for investment to improve equity in education and the working conditions of teachers.

TUAC’s work on education and skills is led by Sarah Jameson. For more information, please contact

15 September 2020

Education at a Glance 2020 – Inequalities exacerbated by Covid-19, VET systems hit hard

The impact of Covid-19 As with labour markets, the Covid-19 crisis blatantly exposed cracks and inequalities in societies and in education and training systems. The publication confirms that. It also highlights the specific challenges faced by disadvantaged groups and in Vocational Education and ...

16 April 2020

The Impact and Implications of the COVID 19-Crisis on Educational Systems and Households

The following findings illustrate the need for tailored policies that look at the delivery of learning (including resolving connectivity issues), the well-being of students and the challenges faced by households depending on their employment status (during confinement), income and demographics ...

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04 March 2020

Los sindicatos y las competencias II

Por qué el diálogo social y la negociación colectiva son importantes para los sistemas de competencias y la provisión de formación Los mercados de trabajo modernos requieren una formación inicial de calidad y el acceso continuo al perfeccionamiento de las competencias y la recualificación. ...

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26 February 2020

Unions & Skills II

Why social dialogue and collective bargaining matter for skills systems and training provision Modern labour markets require initial quality training and the continuous access to up- and re-skilling. Policy debates put this as the first go-to solution for the Future of Work. And yet, the reality ...

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26 February 2020

Unions & Skills II

Why social dialogue and collective bargaining matter for skills systems and training provision Modern labour markets require initial quality training and the continuous access to up- and re-skilling. Policy debates put this as the first go-to solution for the Future of Work. And yet, the reality ...