Trade unions back the fight against corruption and support whistleblowers
OECD countries must urgently step-up action to tackle corruption and cultivate integrity. The OECD 2024 Anti-Corruption and Integrity Outlook reveals significant shortcomings in countries anti-corruption and bribery policies. Action is urgently needed. Corruption deepens inequalities, weakens ...
OECD Steel Committee: workers warn of lack of just transition in the industry
Workers are raising concerns over the lack of a just transition in the steel sector. Global excess capacity keeps rising, due to a combination of irresponsible practices by some major multinational steel corporations and misguided action by some governments who keep expanding capacity rather than ...
Unions, business and civil society call for action to strengthen NCPs for responsible business conduct
TUAC, issued a joint statement with Business at OECD (BIAC) and OECD Watch, urging governments and the OECD to take action to ensure the effectiveness of National Contact Points (NCPs) that were set up to help remediate business conduct under OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on ...
OECD urged to ensure global long-term needs are not neglected
Trade unions are urging the OECD to encourage governments to adopt consistent long-term policy – and ensure adequate investment – to manage climate change, digital transformation, demographic change. “Governments must not abandon what is needed to achieve long-term and shared prosperity, ...
Profits are high enough to absorb pay rises says OECD
The OECD says in its March 2024 Wage Bulletin “After growing considerably and making unusually large contributions to domestic price pressures in 2021 and 2022, unit profits [..] have started to absorb some of the [..] impact of increasing unit labour costs. In most countries, there is ...
OECD debt report promotes a return to austerity
In drawing a very disturbing picture of high global debt made unmanageable by high interest rates at a time when borrowing needs for the future are higher than ever, the OECD makes the very controversial claim that “Government spending needs to be highly targeted and focus more on investment in ...
L7 calls on G7 to champion a pro-worker agenda
The Labour 7, the official engagement group representing trade unions to the G7, has issued a statement calling on Leaders to stand by their words and put workers at the forefront of their actions for 2024. At the Leaders Summit held in Hiroshima, Japan, last year, the G7 acknowledged that ...
OECD underestimates the risk of monetary policy tightening overshooting its goal
The OECD Economic Outlook, Interim Report of February 2024, underestimates the risk of monetary policy tightening overshooting its goal. TUAC is also concerned that OECD fails to draw the lesson of inflation declining rapidly and ignores the urgent need to start cutting interest rates as soon as ...
Over 40 governments commit to address healthcare workforce shortages by improving working conditions
Ministers and government representatives from over 40 countries committed at an OECD Health Ministerial meeting in Paris today to “address health workforce shortages by concerted action to train, retain, and improve the working conditions of health and care workers”. Trade unions will be asking ...
TUAC elects new chairs of Economic Policy & Multinational Enterprises Working Groups
TUAC is proud to announce the election of two new chairs and one new vice chair of TUAC Working Groups. The newly elected chairs and vice-chair are Geoff Tily, TUC (UK), Chair of the Economic Policy Working Group Bianca Cuciniello, UIL (Italy), Chair of the Multinational Enterprises Working ...
TUAC challenges OECD to review and revise its economic thinking
The Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) is challenging OECD to reexamine its economic policies and to shift towards a new economic paradigm putting working people at the centre of policy by unambiguously supporting full employment, secure employment and social dialogue, together with ...
Dialogue with unions and more regulation needed for digital education
The OECD today released its Digital Education Outlook 2023. The Outlook makes much of the potential opportunities offered by digital technologies (about which there is currently very little evidence), it also identifies some key risks: Increased inequalities and digital divides. Reliable ...