“Schumpeter meets Keynes again” : An OECD-IMF-BIS Conference on Financial Factors slowing down productivity
On the 10th and 11th of January, the OECD joined up with the IMF and the BIS to organise a conference discussing the role of financial policies in explaining the trend of productivity slowing down across the global economy. Several technical research papers, covering different datasets, countries ...

Moving forward – TUAC elects General Secretary, welcomes CUT Chile, challenges OECD thinking on the Future of Work and the Future of the Firm
On 15 December, the TUAC Plenary elected Pierre Habbard as General Secretary for a four-year term. Habbard thanked the Plenary members for their trust and committed to continue strengthening TUAC’s advocacy function towards influencing OECD policy outcomes, but also to deepen the “support ...
The OECD’s Health Committee is currently analyzing the challenges member states are facing in ensuring sustainable access to new and innovative treatments to all those in need. On the occasion of the 22nd meeting of the Health Committee on the 11th of December, TUAC and PSI urged the OECD ...
CUT Chile becomes the 59th member of the TUAC
The TUAC Plenary on December 15 adopted the formal admission of Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (Central Union Workers of Chile). In 2010, Chile had become a full member of the OECD, which has represented a major leap forward, especially the improvement of public policies in economic and social ...
The Economics of Trade Unions: Recent Meta-Analysis on the Economic Impact of Trade Unions
A recent publication by Richard Freeman, Hristos Doucouligos and Patrice Laroche summarizes the available economic evidence on the effects of trade unions by using a meta-analysis. The latter allows presenting a median of all the estimated effects of trade unions across the wide range of studies. ...
TUAC Liaison Committee with the OECD tackles the Future of Work, the Future of the Firm
The Liaison Committee Meeting (LCM) is an opportunity for the TUAC to exchange views with the OECD Council and the Secretariat on key policy issues and OECD initiatives. At the LCM 2017, the discussion centers on today’s and tomorrow’s employment challenges – the Future of Work – and the ...
OECD Future of Work seminar: Concluding speech by Catelene Passchier
On the 11th of December, the OECD organized, in cooperation with the Dutch Delegation to the OECD, a seminar on the future of work and the future of collective bargaining. Read here the concluding speech from Catelene Passchier, chair of the workers’ group in the ILO and special adviser ...
Digital Divides
What are digital divides? Digital divides refer to the unequal access (or lack of access) to information and communication technology (ICT) across countries, regions or certain sections of the society like low-income earners, rural populations, women, youth or migrants. The global digital divide ...
OECD Economic Outlook: Back to Supply-Side Economics?
The key message from the OECD Economic Outlook published today, is for governments to engage “renewed” and “deeper” structural reforms – trade liberalisation and de-regulation, to raise business profitability over so-called “hurdle rates”, which is estimated at no less 14%, and ...
PISA: Collaborative Problem Solving
Report link Collaborative problem solving was an additional optional assessment introduced for PISA 2015. A large number of countries adopted it as an additional assessment. PISA 2015 defines collaborative problem solving as the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a process whereby ...
Shaping the introduction of AI for the benefit of all
TUAC Briefing on the OECD Conference on Artificial Intelligence Paris, 26-27 October 2017 ...
Trade unions at the OECD DAC High Level Meeting 2017
Trade unions, through TUAC and the TUDCN, recently took part in the annual High Level Meeting (HLM) of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), which took place in Paris on 30-31 October 2017. Trade union participation at the HLM as observers has been standard practice in recent years. ...