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13 September 2024

Labour Ministers agree G7 AI plan, but ignore cost-of-living and climate crises

As requested by G7 Leaders, Labour Ministers from G7 countries agreed a ‘G7 Action Plan for a human-centred adoption of safe, secure and trustworthy AI in the World of Work’. The Plan includes positive commitments to “Promoting the active involvement and consultation of workers and ...

11 September 2024

Unions meet G7 Ministers in Cagliari on wage growth, AI and climate action

Trade unionists from G7 countries met with Ministers, international policymakers and business leaders in Cagliari today to Underline the urgent need for Governments to deliver environmentally and socially sustainable growth with real wage growth for working people. Tackle the climate crisis by ...

1b. Environmental justice
30 May 2024

OECD must put workers at the centre of Environmental Justice

For the first time in its history, the OECD held a two-day conference on Environmental Justice and published a report on the topic at the end of May – an event for which TUAC has been calling for a long time. Environmental justice is an issue that is gaining traction globally, as the triple ...

JT Marcel Crozet ILO
03 May 2024

Towards a strong G7 commitment to achieving a just climate transition

Support for a just transition, as well as accelerating climate action, is growing among the G7 group of governments. G7 climate ministers (from the US, UK, EU, Germany, France, Italy, Japan & Canada)  recently gave a clear commitment to deliver 1.5C-aligned climate plans in late 2024/early ...

TU deleg Steel Cttee Mar 2024 2
26 March 2024

OECD Steel Committee: workers warn of lack of just transition in the industry

Workers are raising concerns over the lack of a just transition in the steel sector.  Global excess capacity keeps rising, due to a combination of irresponsible practices by some major multinational steel corporations and misguided action by some governments who keep expanding capacity rather than ...

ILO Francisco Castillo ILO
14 March 2024

OECD urged to ensure global long-term needs are not neglected

Trade unions are urging the OECD to encourage governments to adopt consistent long-term policy – and ensure adequate investment – to manage climate change, digital transformation, demographic change. “Governments must not abandon what is needed to achieve long-term and shared prosperity, ...

2b. LAC Summit 9 oct 23 v3
09 October 2023

Latin America and the Caribbean Ministers recognise need for social dialogue for a Just Transition and coherent labour market policies

The Latin America and the Caribbean Ministerial Summit on Environmental Sustainability Economic Resilience, Green and Just Transition has adopted an Action Plan recognising the need for “coherent labour market policies, relying on effective social dialogue, to facilitate a just transition into ...

DAC Forum VN new
27 September 2023

Trade unions call on OECD Development Committee to back action on social protection and just transition

Social protection and creating decent jobs through climate action were the focus of the TUAC and ITUC led annual Forum of trade unions with the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). At the halfway point of Agenda 2030, Trade unions from all continents asked the DAC chair Carsten Staur and ...

steel cttee
26 September 2023

Steel workers demand better working conditions and a clear plan for navigating the green transition

The reconstruction of Ukraine, the need to pay workers fairly amid the cost-of-living crisis and preparing clear socially just and inclusive plans for decarbonising the steel sector were issues raised by trade unions TUAC, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe at the OECD Steel ...

climate cexf tuac deleg
13 September 2023

COP28: put a truly Just Transition at the centre of climate action

For the first time ever, and as a result of trade unions’ long-standing engagement, the UN’s Convention on Climate Change process includes this year a “Just Transition Work Programme” to be discussed at COP28 in Dubai (30 November to 12 December). A small delegation of trade unionists, led ...

3. 7 June 23 Ec Pol for JT - pre mcm consult V3
07 June 2023

Economic Policy for a Just Transition – TUAC statement for the annual OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2023

Economic Policy for a Just Transition – TUAC statement for the annual OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2023 ...

22 September 2022

OECD Steel Committee: workers demand a Just Transition!

TUAC, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe call on the OECD Steel Committee to take action now to ensure that no steelworker is left behind. The Steel Committee acknowledges for the first time the importance of Just Transition. The 92nd session of the OECD Steel Committee on 19-20 ...