OECD highlights need for action to tackle inequalities in education
Launched today, the OECD’s 2024 Education at a Glance underscores the urgent need for policy action to address inequalities in education and in social and labour market outcomes. Education At A Glance 2024 shows that access to education, study choices, completion rates and labour market outcomes ...
Dialogue with unions and more regulation needed for digital education
The OECD today released its Digital Education Outlook 2023. The Outlook makes much of the potential opportunities offered by digital technologies (about which there is currently very little evidence), it also identifies some key risks: Increased inequalities and digital divides. Reliable ...
Skills Outlook 2023: Skills for a Resilient Green and Digital Transition
The OECD today published the 2023 edition of its biannual Skills Outlook, “Skills for a Resilient Green and Digital Transition.” Overall, the Outlook makes a very welcome contribution to OECD analysis and discussion on the green and digital transitions. It underscores the need to take into ...
OECD makes powerful case for investing in education and training
The OECD’s Education at a Glance report provides strong evidence and powerful arguments to invest in and strengthen education, the teaching profession and vocational education and training. Among its findings and recommendations are: Higher levels of education are associated with positive ...
Trade unions and OECD’s role in education policy
Interview with Larry Flanagan, new chair of TUAC’s Education and Skills Working Group. Question Why do you think it is important for trade unions to follow and engage with the work of the OECD in education and skills? Larry Flanagan The OECD is a highly influential body in terms of education ...
OECD Education at a Glance 2021: A much needed focus on equity (ENG/FR)
(Version française ci-dessous) On 16 September 2021, the OECD released the Education at a Glance (EAG) 2021 report. The report published annually includes data on educational outcomes and, this time, a specific focus on equity and country progress in achieving the United Nations’ Education ...
TUAC Working Group on Education and Skills addresses impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic (ENG/FR)
(Version française ci-dessous) On 11, 21-22 June 2021, the TUAC Working Group on Education and Skills gathered virtually to discuss current topics of education and skills policy, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As always, this has been done by bringing in OECD and external experts ...
OECD Skills Outlook 2021 rings alarm bells on adult learning uptake
The OECD’s Skills Outlook 2021 discusion on ‘Learning for life’ could not have been timelier (https://www.oecd.org/education/oecd-skills-outlook-e11c1c2d-en.htm). Not only is participation in lifelong learning insufficient due to a varying set of reasons, but the pandemic made it even more ...
Increasing workers’ access to lifelong learning (TUAC Scoping Paper) – Accroître la participation des salariés à l’éducation et à la formation
(Version française ci-dessous) Trade unions have been arguing and are continuing to argue for easier and better access to quality training. Demand for skill development and the need to train for new tasks are influenced by economic cycles, technological progress (digitalisation), the transition to ...
Education at a Glance 2020 – Inequalities exacerbated by Covid-19, VET systems hit hard
The impact of Covid-19 As with labour markets, the Covid-19 crisis blatantly exposed cracks and inequalities in societies and in education and training systems. The publication confirms that. It also highlights the specific challenges faced by disadvantaged groups and in Vocational Education and ...
The Impact and Implications of the COVID 19-Crisis on Educational Systems and Households
The following findings illustrate the need for tailored policies that look at the delivery of learning (including resolving connectivity issues), the well-being of students and the challenges faced by households depending on their employment status (during confinement), income and demographics ...
Los sindicatos y las competencias II
Por qué el diálogo social y la negociación colectiva son importantes para los sistemas de competencias y la provisión de formación Los mercados de trabajo modernos requieren una formación inicial de calidad y el acceso continuo al perfeccionamiento de las competencias y la recualificación. ...