Support for a just transition, as well as accelerating climate action, is growing among the G7 group of governments.
G7 climate ministers (from the US, UK, EU, Germany, France, Italy, Japan & Canada) recently gave a clear commitment to deliver 1.5C-aligned climate plans in late 2024/early 2025 and to foster a just transition. With 21% of global green-house gas emissions and 26% of global GDP, this commitment from the G7 is very significant.
In their communiqué, G7 Ministers of Climate, Environment and Energy reaffirmed their commitment to achieve a just transition, noting the important role of “social dialogue and social protection”. G7 Ministers “recognized the important role played by all subnational governments, businesses and industries, workers, and labour unions in facilitating a sustainable transformation towards a net-zero future”.
The G7 Ministers agreed that by “mainstreaming just transitions in domestic policies and measures, (…) and by prioritizing human rights including the rights of Indigenous Peoples”, countries can create opportunities that “support the creation of decent and quality jobs in sustainable sectors (..) and positively contribute to the development of 1.5°C-aligned national energy transition plans”.
Furthermore, G7 Ministers recognized the importance of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) just transition principles “while implementing existing and preparing new Nationally Determined Contributions (…) in line with 1.5°C,([..) addressing creation of decent work and quality jobs, reskilling, education and training, economic diversification, social protection measures, recognition of human and labour rights”.
“The progress in the G7 on recognising the need for a just transition is encouraging. The G7 Climate, Environment and Energy Ministers’ commitment to a just transition in line with the ILO guidelines is a long-standing demand of the Labour 7. This should now be endorsed by G7 Leaders and lead to concrete actions by G7 members, domestically and in their foreign policies, including through development cooperation.”
The need for a just transition was one of the key elements of the L7’s statement to the G7 Leaders earlier this year as well as a central point in the discussion with Prime Minister Meloni last week.
The G7 Leaders’ Summit will take place on 13-15 June. The G7 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting will be held on 11-13 September 2024 in Cagliari, immediately after the Labour 7 Summit on 10-11 September.
Progress in the G7 on a just climate transition is paralleled by increasing discussion of – and recommendations for – a just transition as part of a stronger engagement on climate policies by the OECD.