Continuing the TUAC Series on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Briefing #4 | Implementing the Guidelines for Quality Infrastructure Investment (EN | FR | ESP) TUAC partnered with the global union Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) to take stock of worker experiences with global infrastructure developments. For infrastructure projects, BWI considers it crucial for investors and governments to assess all potential stress factors and related operational risks before contracting. Projects that have frameworks for constructive industrial relations are in the most secure position to prevent operational risks. Those without such frameworks require close scrutiny to deter disruptive tendencies that would strain project delivery and core project objectives.
TUAC and BWI call for Project Owners with the leverage to implement sustainable objectives to be certified prior to any financing and contracting. After award and contracts are executed, the value of certifications depreciates precipitously.
TUAC and BWI recommend OECD Governments incorporate meaningful trade union frameworks and the NCP infrastructure projects; ILO Code of Practice on Occupational Health and Safety be included as part of contracts with Project Owners; and government and investors require evidence of compliance from Project Owners before investing capital or awarding projects.