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14 December 2020

20 Years of the National Contact Points

The TUAC welcomes the launch of the report as part of the OECD commemorating its  the 60th Anniversary,  “National Contact Points Providing Access to Remedy: 20 years later and the road ahead.”  Trade unions acknowledge the potential value in the NCP and take this opportunity to reflect on ...

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The TUAC welcomes the launch of the report as part of the OECD commemorating its  the 60th Anniversary,  “National Contact Points Providing Access to Remedy: 20 years later and the road ahead.”  Trade unions acknowledge the potential value in the NCP and take this opportunity to reflect on 20 years of worker experiences.

More than 21 million people work at the MNEs named in specific instances filed by trade unions.

Trade union experiences reflect overall concerns about inconsistent NCP functioning, operations and case management.  This dynamic has had a negative affect on trade union confidence and strained NCP relations to a breaking point.

Workers seek the assistance of an NCP to help them access rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, which is covered by the Guidelines, Employment & Industrial Relations Chapter (V).  The results of promoting Chapter V can be easily measured.

Unfortunately for workers, it has become less likely for specific instances to produce agreements, especially on freedom of association cases.  NCPs were 16% less effective in assisting parties reach agreements on freedom of association since the 2011 revision compared with the previous decade (2001-2010).

Only 5 freedom of association cases since 2011 resulted in an agreement with the trade union.

Number of NCP Outcomes for Freedom of Association by decade

The TUAC is intensifying efforts designed to build respect and empower the NCP network to realise its potential to be the leading global resource for holding businesses to account.

To do that, multinational enterprises will be asked to match trade union resolve, by  participating in NCP offered mediation, supporting dialogue as credible due diligence and respecting the value of workers, and fully respecting the value of the NCP in producing positive worker experiences from the OECD Guidelines.