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If the digital transformation is changing our labour markets and economic life as radically as other technological revolutions in recent history, trade unions will insist that it has to happen in a truly inclusive way. On 20-23 May 2019, the “OECD Week” will put the spotlight on digitalisation and help participants grasp the potentials of the ongoing digital revolution whilst looking at challenges and possible solutions.
The OECD Forum will focus on a “World in Emotion” (20-21 May) and the following Ministerial Council Meeting (22-23 May) set to discuss how to harness digital transition for sustainable development. The TUAC will also be holding its own biannual meeting, and will actively promote trade unions views urging participants, the OECD and Governments to ensure that the digital transition is a “Just Transition”.
While digitalisation offers opportunities for well-being and for reducing inequalities, policymakers should first be concerned about the downside risk. This implies being clear about the growth models that must tackle inequalities and indeed address the consequences of the increased digitalisation of our economies:
- A Just Transition, including expanding social-protection systems, ensuring the same rights for all forms of work
- Re-Empowering of labour to address the Future of Work
- Better Rules for Corporation Regulation to address the disruptive business models of the digital economy.
There is no doubt that the rate of change is fast, and it is exciting. At the OECD Week, the TUAC will remind the OECD and its members that our collective decisions will determine whether the changes are for good. Going digital must also imply to go inclusive.