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Our jobs, our planet – Trade unions confirm their commitment to climate action ahead of the G7 environment summit

Ahead of the G7 environment ministers’ meeting, trade unions have released a declaration confirming their commitment to mobilise and support climate action at all levels, including through the implementation of the Paris Agreement. “Pulling out of the Paris climate agreement  from ambitious ...

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Ahead of the G7 environment ministers’ meeting, trade unions have released a declaration confirming their commitment to mobilise and support climate action at all levels, including through the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Pulling out of the Paris climate agreement  from ambitious climate pathways equals abandoning a cleaner future powered by good jobs” states the Declaration “Our Jobs, Our Planet”, supported by all trade union centres from G7 countries and endorsed by the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Trade unions repeated their call for protecting and empowering those who need support in the transition: “We know millions of workers and families still depend on a fossil-fuel-based economy for their jobs and livelihoods. They have generated the energy required for today’s prosperity. Governments and employers, with workers and their unions, must sit together and commit to protect our future through a Just Transition strategy; a plan which guarantees decent work for all”.

Download the full declaration on the right-hand side.

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