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Climate action and just transition

Climate change is accelerating. The triple planetary crisis – climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution – are significantly exacerbating inequalities, both between and within countries.

Action to tackle climate change is an existential need but must also be socially just.  Through our engagement in the OECD’s climate and environmental policy, TUAC is working to make the case for a just transition, advocating for policies that create more and better jobs in the move to a net zero emissions economy, and the active involvement of workers and unions in managing climate action.

TUAC’s work in this area is led by Martin Denis. For more information, please contact

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07 June 2023

Economic Policy for a Just Transition – TUAC statement for the annual OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2023

Economic Policy for a Just Transition – TUAC statement for the annual OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2023 ...

22 September 2022

OECD Steel Committee: workers demand a Just Transition!

TUAC, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe call on the OECD Steel Committee to take action now to ensure that no steelworker is left behind. The Steel Committee acknowledges for the first time the importance of Just Transition. The 92nd session of the OECD Steel Committee on 19-20 ...

20 October 2021

G20 Finance enhances its mandate on climate change and adopt global tax deal (FR/EN)

(Version française ci-dessous) On 13 October 2021, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors completed the Fourth and last meeting under the Italian Presidency in 2021. The Communiqué reiterates commitments of previous meetings, including a new structural reform agenda on ...

21 July 2021

G20 Finance outlines structural reform agenda on digitalisation and climate, post COVID-19

Version française à la suite   At their meeting on 10-11 July 2021, G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors adopted a Communiqué outlining a number of commitments to engage in structural reforms in light of digitalisation and climate change, and paved the way for reform of the ...

18 March 2021

Climate & green growth: OECD calls for a Just Transition for workers

(version française ci-dessous)   “Workers need a just transition to be ready for the green future”. In its new OECD flagship report on the “inequalities-environment nexus”, the OECD is clear and explicit about the need for a Just Transition for workers and the importance of ...

18 March 2021

Climate & green growth: OECD calls for a Just Transition for workers

(version française ci-dessous)   “Workers need a just transition to be ready for the green future”. In its new OECD flagship report on the “inequalities-environment nexus”, the OECD is clear and explicit about the need for a Just Transition for workers and the importance of ...

14 September 2020

Making a Green Recovery Work for Jobs, Income and Growth / Une relance verte au service de l’emploi, des revenus et de la croissance

(Version française ci-dessous) The TUAC is calling on the OECD and Member Countries to seize the moment and ensure that the COVID-19 recovery puts the world on track to a more just and sustainable world. On 14 September 2020, the OECD hosted the third Ministerial Council Roundtable focussing on ...