On 21 June 2016, TUAC as one of the stakeholder groups to the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy ( http://www.oecd.org/internet/ministerial/events/stakeholdersforums/ ) is organising a Trade Union Forum on “Sustainable & Inclusive Innovation: Quality Jobs and Skills in the Digital Economy” in Cancun, Mexico.
The TUAC released a set of main Priorities calling on to develop principles and policies for decent work and the diffusion of competencies and gains in the digital economy through sound regulation and responsible investments. In doing so, the TUAC encourages the OECD and governments to develop an “Action Plan for Quality Jobs in the Digital Economy”.
A background Discussion Paper sets out to identify the characteristics underlying the digital economy including its business models, effects on competition, investment and taxation, as well as on jobs – including traditional sectors and the impact of digital disruptions, working conditions, and work in the online platform economy. It looks at existing policies and policy options to tackle some of the challenges arising as well as at bridging digital divides worldwide and for vulnerable groups. It also highlights the important role of trade unions in the process that need to be involved in all government strategies on innovation, industrial, employment, skills and social policies, and in the digital economy itself.