Trade Unions call on OECD to follow-up on Ministerial commitments for recovery & set a new vision for the next decade (ENG & FR)
Today on 16 December, the TUAC met with OECD Ambassadors and the OECD Secretary General at the annual TUAC-OECD Liaison Committee Meeting (LCM). This year the meeting took place virtually in the shadow of the Covid-19 crisis and the upcoming the leadership transition at the OECD in 2021, ...
Trade Unions call on OECD to follow-up on Ministerial commitments for recovery & set a new vision for the next decade (ENG & FR)
Today on 16 December, the TUAC met with OECD Ambassadors and the OECD Secretary General at the annual TUAC-OECD Liaison Committee Meeting (LCM). This year the meeting took place virtually in the shadow of the Covid-19 crisis and the upcoming the leadership transition at the OECD in 2021, ...
TUAC Reaction to the OECD Ministerial Council 2020 – At last, OECD regains collective voice in response to the Covid-19 crisis
The OECD’s Ministerial Council Meeting gathered virtually on 28-29 October. For the first time in three years, OECD members agreed on a statement recognising the importance of working in cooperation with social partners in the recovery. This could not be more timely as many countries are now ...
OECD MCM 2020 / A roadmap for fair and sustainable recovery / Une feuille de route pour une reprise équitable et durable / Una hoja de ruta para una
(Version française ci-dessous) The OECD’s Ministerial Council Meeting is meeting on 28-29 October. The TUAC and its members are calling on Ministers and the OECD to agree on a ‘Roadmap for fair and sustainable recovery that people can trust‘. The Covid-19 pandemic has turned into ...
OECD Ministerial Council Consultation – TUAC calls for a roadmap for fair and sustainable recovery that people can trust / Consultation du Conseil de
(Version française ci-dessous) (Traducción al español a continuación) Today, a TUAC high-level delegation met with the OECD Secretary General, the Spanish chair of the upcoming Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM) and OECD Ambassadors at the annual MCM Consultations with Business at OECD and ...
Remarks by Richard Trumka_OECD Ministerial Council Roundtable on Paths to Recovery and Macroeconomic Policies
General Secretary and Ministers, I am Richard Trumka, President of the TUAC, and in my country, the President of the AFL-CIO, America’s labor movement. TUAC thanks the OECD for this moment to reflect on the Economic Outlook. The OECD Economic Outlook just delivered is sobering. A decline of ...
Delivering a recovery built on trust – TUAC Statement on the COVID-19 crisis and the future of the OECD / Pour une reprise fondée sur la confiance
(Version française ci-dessous) The envisaged GDP forecast for 2020 is dreadful: -7.1% at the global level, down to -9.1% in the OECD area. In these circumstances, unemployment in the OECD will almost double this year, from 5.4% in 2019 to 9.4% at the end of 2020. The recovery will be slow and ...
Seven years later, Colombia’s controversial OECD accession comes to an end – Sept ans plus tard, l’adhésion controversée de la Colombie à
The TUAC takes note of the ratification of Colombia’s membership to the OECD. The accession process of Colombia took an excessively long period to be completed, five years between 2013 and the official invitation of the OECD at the MCM in May 2018, another two years for ratification. By far, ...
Inclusive societies and labour markets for successful integration of migrants – TUAC statement for the OECD Ministerial Meeting on Migration and Integration
(Retrouvez ci-dessous la Déclaration du TUAC pour la réunion ministérielle en français) Today, at the OECD Ministerial Meeting, member countries will come together to discuss how migration and integration policies are made future ready. The TUAC calls on the OECD and member countries to seize ...
TUAC-OECD LCM: Divided, We (still) Stand – The Urgency of People-Centred Policies/ Toujours (aussi) désunis – agir maintenant pour les populations
EN (FR CI-DESSOUS) Today on 10 December 2019, the TUAC holds its annual Liaison Committee with the OECD. The discussions are based on a discussion paper “Divided, We (still) Stand – The Urgency of People-Centred Policies” – which can be downloaded in English and French below. At the ...
Going digital – but not together? OECD Ministerial delivers policy outcomes but no high-level declaration
For the third time in a row, the annual OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (22-23 May 2019) ended without a comprehensive high-level Statement. Ministers could only agree to a short declaration listing the adoption of new OECD instruments and reports which had been prepared ahead of the Ministerial. ...
Déclaration du TUAC à la ministérielle de l’OCDE pour 2019
La réunion annuelle du Conseil de l’OCDE au niveau des ministres, les 22 et 23 mai 2019, porte sur la transition numérique pour le développement durable, et notamment sur le devenir de son initiative «Vers le numérique ». Le 20 mai, la plénière du TUAC a adopté sa déclaration en vue de ...