Ahead of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting and in preparation of the G20 Summit in July, the Labour 20 Summit convenes in Berlin on May 16-17 to send messages to the G20 to restore inclusive growth and social justice. The meeting hosted by the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) brings together Labour leaders – including the General Secretaries of the ITUC and TUAC – to discuss the state of globalisation, labour standards in global value chains, the future of work and digital inclusion, sustainable development, and female employment. The German Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, the Minister of Employment and Social Affairs, Andrea Nahles, Director General of the ILO, Guy Ryder and OECD Director of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, Stefano Scarpetta will join the Summit on the second day. The L20 Statement to the G20 Ministerial will be released midday Wednesday.
L20 Summit starting in Berlin
Ahead of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting and in preparation of the G20 Summit in July, the Labour 20 Summit convenes in Berlin on May 16-17 to send messages to the G20 to restore inclusive growth and social justice. The meeting hosted by the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) ...